Monday, May 12, 2008

Getting Ready for Memorial Day

On Monday, May 26th, our country will observe our annual Memorial Day. Do your children know what Memorial Day is all about? Children's Ministry Magazine offers a helpful article on teaching kids about Memorial Day and why it's important to honor those who've gone before us. I hope you'll find this valuable information and start some conversations with your kids about Memorial Day. You can find their article here.

We'd love to let you share some stories on the blog related to Memorial Day. If you have anyone you would like to honor this year, submit a brief paragraph telling who it is you want to honor and why you want to honor them. Email your paragraphs to Check back here on Monday, May 26th to see who we're honoring!

Monday, May 5, 2008

Sams Family

Thought you might be interested in checking out David, Kimi, Jesikka and Joshua Sams' blog and being able to keep up with how God is using them in Peru to spread the message of Christ's perfect love for people. Click HERE to get there.